The proverbial "They". They say home is where the heart is. This page here, is all about the heart. And where it resides. As I write, this fifty-two year old heart of mine is full - close to busting wide open. And it's never going to be the same. In the past eight months, I've found myself landing in an unknown, strange land. Alone. Trusting and only questioning for the briefest of moments, only to return comfortably to trusting. Too many of life's 'so-called' events have occurred - mostly unchartered territory. Sickness in the family, strife, insecurity, scarcity for some. Waywardness for others. And in the midst of all of it a steadfast faith. Countless hours of prayer logged. Too many tears to count. Then ~ Sweet Home Alabama. So, here I sit - on the other side of so much . So much accord, healing, and provision. The lost one has returned, rescued and renewed. Miracle after miracle. Answered prayer after answered prayer. And here I sit - in a reso...
"Why do you judge other religions"? A question posed to me. It seems harsh to non-believers when a Christian takes the stand of dismissing other religions. It's more inclusive and tolerant to simply not be bothered by other's beliefs. 'To each his own'. Yes and no - (more on this later). The truth of it is - if I sit with it. Ponder it. Wrestle with it - I'm left in tears. My heart aches for God. I know He most absolutely does not need my pity nor my empathy - and still, the thought of Him, being rejected shatters me. When you take into account that there are those who don't believe that the Bible is The Word of God - Or even believe that there is a God, the argument simply stalls - comes to a halt - a complete full-stop. Where does a follower of Christ go with that? How do you walk away and not be affected by someone's strong disbelief? It comes at a cost. This unbelief. A deliberate denial that has the gravest of eternal consequenc...