This is a funny time in our culture. Well, not funny haha funny...just blah funny. Never before in civilized history, that I can recall, has the "Family" been so disposable. There seems to be no stopping it. Not even the desire to stop it seems to exist. Families were not meant to be disposable. Razors, yes. Cash, maybe. Disposable connotates temporary. Some things were just meant to last.
So. We adapt. We accept. And we hope to God that it doesn't kill us.
Eventually your kids see you go through one wife, then another and then, possibly another. And its all good. All acceptable. It's such a funny notion to me.
Yet so many of us are living it. Not only have we come to accept it. It actually is more okay than its not. Its a funny notion, I say.
Today I got to meet the "new" one. The one that made the cut. For now. Don't get me wrong. She seems quite lovely. I knew she would be. And quite frankly, we deserve a good one after the hell we've been through.
So. Where does that leave the next generation? The generation that has watched a bunch of quitters walk out of their lives. Their hearts. Their legacies.
I don't have the answer to that. It seems to me, to go hand in hand with the state of our nation. The family...the country. All just falling apart.
Where does it all stem from. First the rise. Then the fall. The inevitable fall. From on-high. From grace.
Is it really just as simple as blaming it on greed. Does this innate desire to have it all really get all of the acclaim?
I don't know. There has to be more to it than that.
So, if its not greed. Could it be as simple as dissatisfaction? But that can't be it. Because being satisfied is a state of mind. You decide whether you are content or not. And since when did it become a crime to not be wholly content? Why does everything have to be so satisfactory? Why is it that when something takes a little more work and a little more effort than you feel like exerting, its okay to just throw in the towel?
Or, it could be that the whole darned world has gone stark raving mad. Self absorbed. The sense that each one is a deity, deserving of all things grand. Open your arms and receive all that is yours. You deserve it and so much more. Just because. If the first one is a flop, by all means, take another.Our country wants what it wants when it wants it and so do our men. We owe trillions. Beyond anything our human brains can comprehend. Yet that doesn't stop the spending. Our men have wives at home, yet that doesn't stop the hunt.
Its a funny notion to me. We get rid of perfectly good cars. Upgrade phones that work perfectly fine. Trade in perfectly lovely homes for bigger versions. We walk out on perfectly good jobs, claiming independence. And we leave perfectly sweet families for the grass that turned out to be manufactured turf, and nothing more.