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Oh My ~ No She Didn't

Unfortunately...she did.  Ok, I wasn't going to go there...because, honestly, I didn't think I really cared. I have been of the mind set lately that 'people are going to do what they are going to do and to hell with everyone else.' I mean, really, I have way too much going on in my own life to worry about what little 'Hannah" is up to. Who cares!?!

It hasn't gotten the press that you would think it would. We all know what I am referring to without me actually saying it. I just didn't want to give it any more attention that it doesn't deserve. But...I do have children I am raising in this world. And I do have an 18 year old young woman for a daughter. Who I think is beautiful and dare I say, she's got the whole sexy thing going on. But I will be damned if she were to come even close to this behavior, even for one moment.

As much as I tried to ignore what the whole world witnessed the other night on television, I guess I just can't.

What in all of God's creation, possessed that girl, on that stage, that night? Of course my first response was 'The devil's got her, no two ways about it. She is possessed." So, I am thinking, how do you control a person who is no longer a minor, has all the money in the world and clearly, has no one to answer to? But, maybe control is a poor choice of words...maybe it looks more like, how do you reign all of that 'yucky' in?
She wasn't alway like this. I've watched her shows, and her movies. I've sung along to her songs. She's made me laugh. Even made me cry some.
Gosh, if I really allow myself to think about it, my heart starts to ache. I am so disappointed. I am more than disgusted. What has this woman-child seen in her short little life that leads her to believe that this behavior is okay? Acceptable? Sexy? Enticing? I don't even know what it is that she was trying to portray? I'm guessing she doesn't either.

As the days have come to pass, I am reading that her father has 'Tweeted' his unconditional love. Yeah, okay. That's great. I get that. We all love our kids, 'unconditionally'. But....really. There are conditions. Not conditions meaning we won't love them 'unles's...but conditions meaning, there is an expectation. The expectation being that you will not diminish who you are as a human being, who you are as the child of my heart. That you will not loath yourself, or me, so much as to express yourself in a vulgar fashion. That you will not punish, hurt, embarrass, despise, ridicule, abandon, jeopardise, slay or hinder all of who you are. That you will not spit in the wind and sit there, without the sense to even turn away.

I get the whole prodigal son, coming back to his father's open arms, after squandering his inheritance only to come crawling back home. I can't think of any parent who would not be overjoyed at a wayward child's timely return. What I don't get is turning a blind eye to the devastation that is your heart ...with legs...walking off a cliff. I know there are parents out there who have watched their children struggle with substance abuse, or, gambling and just plain old dumb choices that reek havoc on everyone who cares a lick about them.

I know that sometimes, you just have to let them hit the wall. And sometimes...maybe you don't.

I'm not her parents, I can't even begin to consider what they have done or not done to derail this behavior. I just know that if one of my kids was hanging on that cliff they threw themselves off of...with one finger, I'd grab onto that finger so hard and pull so tight. I might even break the darned thing. And when I got them back on solid ground, I'd head butt them. Hard. So not kidding.

I know as parents of young adults, we are strongly encouraged to allow them their mistakes. We all have learned from mistakes. But not this. Not this. I would have to take action. Physical force if must be.

In biblical times, the people would rip their sack-cloths to pieces and grovel in the rock and dirt, as an expression of devastating sorrow. This is such a time. This girl needs prayer. She needs parents who aren't afraid to be parents. We are gifted our children and we are to be good stewards of their lives. This kind of good is not just is in the strongest possible sense of the word. Good. Sacrificial. All encompassing. Good Stewards.
