I've been thinking of a "word" to live-out through all of 2013...It would have to be positive and inspirational. Uplifting and honoring. One that would remind me to be good to myself and others. Daily.
It would need to possibly challenge me, although not too much. It should, as a result, improve my outlook on life and benefit everyone I know.
The first word I pondered was...grace. Give it, receive it, be abundantly generous with it. That was quickly rejected two days later when life kicked me in the teeth. Okay. So next choice...decadent. I would simply find something that I would label decadent each and everyday. Be it an experience or a treat. A sunrise or a sunset. A breezy, balmy tropical storm. An emotion or a memory. This one seemed simple, after experiencing some lovely moments two days in a row. Wonderful, we're on a role. Except, yeah...not so quick. The kids went wild, work got nuts and let's just say the cash wasn't flowin' and it got pretty uptight on my side of the interstate.
Still, if I can't commit to one simple word, what can I commit to? So...today, while I was figuring out how to explain to some critics why we are getting a new puppy...I decided that my word for this new year is and should be "Yes"...That's it! Yes.
I said yes, I experienced yes and I want more 'yes' in my life. We've seen plenty of puppies and I always, always, always say 'no'. Well, this time. I didn't even hesitate. His name is Beau. Our second dog, was always going to be named Beau. He was sweet and mild-mannered. He was perfect for us. And. I. Said. Yes.
Frankly, to be honest. I am just flat-out tired of saying, no.
I never seem to have difficulty saying yes to favors, or friends or my boss. But when it comes to myself and the kids...no, is quicker. No, seems to be the only solution. The only way out. The best way to stop the disappointment...because, it has had to be 'no' for so long.
But, imagine if it were more, yes. More, 'why not'? I mean...why not?
It felt really, really good to say, yes to the kids. I mean, really good. Yes, to the puppy. Yes, to one more show on a school night. Yes, to that bowl of ice-cream. Yes, to that dream and this wish. Yes, yes, yes. I've had it with dashing hopes and smothering desires. I can't even begin to imagine what this year is going to look like. I can just see it now...the smiles, the joy.
Now, don't get me wrong. (There are four of them and one of me, I may be awesome, but I'm not dumb). So...no, is still an important tool and will most certainly still be entertained, when necessary. Albeit, very sparingly. I think we've earned it. I believe we deserve it. And I know I want it. I guess it's all simply perspective. Saying, yes more often will open doors and avenues that may otherwise not have been accessible. It rings freedom and adventure and possibility. It screams, blessings.
So, 'YES' it is. It's my 2013 motto. Can't wait to see where it leads...
Happy New Year Everyone!