Happy 9th Birthday Becca Paige Becca's Poem ~ 2010 Becca Silver is turning eight How exciting, let's celebrate She is pretty and smart and also funny Just a sweet picture she's cute as a bunny I have to say I love her to bits Especially when she has her morning fits Oh, big dreams she has so many A teacher a dancer a princess to boot What a cutie, that Becca She's a hoot Oh, the joy and blessings she brings to my day I thank you Dear God for making her, just this way!{vs} Becca, Sweety... I have a story to share It's about you and your special flare! How you came into this world All precious and sweet Loving you each day has truly been neat Your brother and sisters adore you too You make them laugh with all you do How blessed we are that you are here We cherish your hugs you are so dear Continue to grow and do good as you go Always remember ...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.