See what I's the name of my game, it's how I roll.
I'm starting to think it's the reason I started this blog.
I have tons to do, it's not like I don't.
There's laundry to put away, kids to tuck in, dishes to wash, floors to mop, bathrooms to clean, boxes to pack, hairs to pluck, cobwebs to dust, lunches to make...
And for those of you reading this....shouldn't you be tending to other things as well?
I promise myself at least once a day, maybe twelve times a day that I will stop this. It's not at all productive...the procrastinating not the blogging.
This thing that I do isn't funny or cute to anyone but me. It's had me missing appointments, deadlines and such.
I'm creating little monsters too, these kids of mine aren't in a hurry to get things done either.
I could say that we're just mellow and enjoying life...what's the rush, I could proclaim.
But seriously, it might be that it all seems like too much. Maybe tomorrow will fix itself, I think.
I do know that it must somehow be sinful...this thing that I do. It sucks up time and energy. Not the actual doing, but the neglecting.
I've always been this way, and I don't know why.
I should vow here and now to change. I want to do better. I should and will do better.
It would certainly be good for the entire family if not all of mankind.
...I'm not it a hurry, I really should go. But who am I kidding, it can wait till tomorrow...
I can't be the only one who does this, but I have to say I've seen some amazing women get it all done!
I want to be like them, it has to be more fun.
I do believe though, that it is something the Lord could help me conquer. He wants me to be orderly, I'm sure of it.
Well ladies, I better get going.
I'm afraid of what might be growing!
See what I's the name of my game, it's how I roll.
I'm starting to think it's the reason I started this blog.
I have tons to do, it's not like I don't.
There's laundry to put away, kids to tuck in, dishes to wash, floors to mop, bathrooms to clean, boxes to pack, hairs to pluck, cobwebs to dust, lunches to make...
And for those of you reading this....shouldn't you be tending to other things as well?
I promise myself at least once a day, maybe twelve times a day that I will stop this. It's not at all productive...the procrastinating not the blogging.
This thing that I do isn't funny or cute to anyone but me. It's had me missing appointments, deadlines and such.
I'm creating little monsters too, these kids of mine aren't in a hurry to get things done either.
I could say that we're just mellow and enjoying life...what's the rush, I could proclaim.
But seriously, it might be that it all seems like too much. Maybe tomorrow will fix itself, I think.
I do know that it must somehow be sinful...this thing that I do. It sucks up time and energy. Not the actual doing, but the neglecting.
I've always been this way, and I don't know why.
I should vow here and now to change. I want to do better. I should and will do better.
It would certainly be good for the entire family if not all of mankind.
...I'm not it a hurry, I really should go. But who am I kidding, it can wait till tomorrow...
I can't be the only one who does this, but I have to say I've seen some amazing women get it all done!
I want to be like them, it has to be more fun.
I do believe though, that it is something the Lord could help me conquer. He wants me to be orderly, I'm sure of it.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for your love, your devotion and care.
I am so very sorry that I use my time poorly.
I pray Father that you would help me to attend to
the important things, most importantly to start each and every day seeking your presence. I know that when I give my heart and worries to you, you send peace and comfort. Thank you. You alone are my strength and hope. Lord, I pray this for my dear friends and children as well. That you would be our encourager each and every day. Thank you, Father. In Jesus name I pray.
I'm afraid of what might be growing!