Whether you love her or hate her, tolerate her or turn her off, one thing is for sure, Oprah Winfrey has made a lasting impression.
In so many ways, she has touched millions of lives. I have always LOVED her...in the past few years, however, I have become a little jaded with questions circulating about her faith and the God she serves.
{Today, she seemed to put that to rest, at least for me. She spent quite a bit of time, expressing her faith to the One True God.}
Even though it seemed a little questionable, (her faith) I still could not escape a level of fascination I felt for her. I found myself mesmerized time and time again. It didn't seem to matter what needed to get done, or who needed to get where, if Oprah was on, things were just going to have to wait.
I honestly cannot remember an episode when I have not cried. She has evoked from me, tears of compassion, tears of hope, tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of laughter and even tears of shame. I have even cried tears of pride for knowing her, because, sometimes - I just get her. I'm glad to say that I have never been disappointed in her to the point of no return.
...Well maybe a tiny bit with the "new age" stuff, but I don't believe that she is "out there" in that sense. I truly believe that all of her intentions are pure and good. She is, in my opinion, truly a genuine soul. And I for one am not ashamed to admit that I am going to miss her tremendously.
I have always found her charming and honest. Funny and real. Loyal and trustworthy. Of course I say this having never met her, but this is the ideal I hold for her. I'll bet anyone that I am pretty much right on the money. I think for me, the intrigue is in her smile and in her eyes. The way she hugs....Oprah is a hugger. Some people cannot and will not hug. Not Oprah, she will wrap her arms around sad people, happy people, fat ones and skinny ones, old ones and new.
She does this to comfort others. She is a nurturer. I found myself feeling a little sad for her today. As they filmed Oprah walking past the audience one last time, stopping to turn around bow and waive ~ it occurred to me that I wish she had been a mother. This is not the first time my heart has wished this for her. That may be seem like a narrow minded thought...it's just that I think she would have been a wonderful mother.
So, even though she may seem to have it all, my heart aches for her just a little. I imagine a glimpse of sadness in her and that breaks my heart.
I am going to miss laughing and crying with her. I know that for one hour a day, Oprah Winfrey brought into my home a sense of adventure, friendship, family, sisterhood and of course...a hug.
For me, the world is a much, much better place having Oprah in it.
Her last words today, closing out the show...."Glory be to God"
I love that she went there. I love that she knows and loves the presence of the Lord. That, even in the glimpse of enduring sorrow and pain, I am comforted knowing that she knows her comforter.
God Bless You, Oprah and thank you.