When each one of my babies were just born - brand new. Tiny. Perfect. Helpless. I used to spend countless hours staring at them. At their uniqueness. Their perfection. Just sit and stare. Admire. Take them all in. I was in amazing awe. It never did get old. No matter how much time ticked away, whether they were asleep, eating, playing, interacting - I just could not get enough. My heart eagerly seeking to behold them. It was simply captivating to be in their presence. ~ In a different way, well before the children came along, a re-done closet would call my attention. Or newly picked up room. Or even earlier on, an essay. Attentively orchestrated. The penmanship. The ornately stacked, crisp paper. Blue scrolling of script. Recently, its my garage. We tore into it the other week. A place for everything. And everything in its place. I find myself yearning to take a peak. I'll even stop what I'm doing elsewhere in the house just to go and walk in the space. I'm...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.