This is a funny time in our culture. Well, not funny haha funny...just blah funny. Never before in civilized history, that I can recall, has the "Family" been so disposable. There seems to be no stopping it. Not even the desire to stop it seems to exist. Families were not meant to be disposable. Razors, yes. Cash, maybe. Disposable connotates temporary. Some things were just meant to last. So. We adapt. We accept. And we hope to God that it doesn't kill us. Eventually your kids see you go through one wife, then another and then, possibly another. And its all good. All acceptable. It's such a funny notion to me. Yet so many of us are living it. Not only have we come to accept it. It actually is more okay than its not. Its a funny notion, I say. Today I got to meet the "new" one. The one that made the cut. For now. Don't get me wrong. She seems quite lovely. I knew she would be. And quite frankly, we deserve a good one after the hell we've ...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.