I've been thinking of a "word" to live-out through all of 2013...It would have to be positive and inspirational. Uplifting and honoring. One that would remind me to be good to myself and others. Daily. It would need to possibly challenge me, although not too much. It should, as a result, improve my outlook on life and benefit everyone I know. The first word I pondered was...grace. Give it, receive it, be abundantly generous with it. That was quickly rejected two days later when life kicked me in the teeth. Okay. So next choice...decadent. I would simply find something that I would label decadent each and everyday. Be it an experience or a treat. A sunrise or a sunset. A breezy, balmy tropical storm. An emotion or a memory. This one seemed simple, after experiencing some lovely moments two days in a row. Wonderful, we're on a role. Except, yeah...not so quick. The kids went wild, work got nuts and let's just say the cash wasn't flowin' and it got pretty...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.