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Striving ~ Always ~ Striving

Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Humbleness. Love. Sincerity. These are beautiful traits. Some you are born with, others, you develop. Through life experiences. Choices. Mistakes. A character developed; you can live by these traits or spit in their face. Turn a blind eye and these characteristics are a force to be reckoned with. Walk the crooked path and life will hunt you down. Choose the righteous road and the rewards are immeasurable. No one ever need know that you continually choose the road doling out the least amount of ramification. It is with a clear conscience that you lay your head down to nestle on your pillow every night. It is the restful sleep that is your gift. Choose to lie, steel and deceive and...well, your nights....not so restful.

Similarly, no one ever need know that you continually choose the other direction, the one with pits and holes and mud puddles. The road that keeps you wondering, how the hell did I get here?

In this world there are those who are solely out for themselves. In this world there are those who know no other way but to give of themselves.

I have both sorts in my life. I have, myself, been capable of being both entities, at times. There is a looming corner to turn, a steep bridge to cross, a wide door to open, and endless miles to walk to get to the place of selflessness.

To keep more than enough  for yourself and dole out crumbs to the rest, well...that may be satisfying at the moment, but I know the satisfaction (because you think you've gotten away with something) in that circumstance is a mere fraction compared to that of sacrificial generosity.

Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Humbleness. Love. Sincerity. These are in; A smile. In a hand stretched out in friendship. In a perfectly timed phone call. In that moment we stop to just listen, even though time is our enemy. Its in that box of tissues you just happen to have on hand. That butter cake you saved for the unexpected visitor. That perfect song that comes on the radio, at just the right time, when comforting a friend. In that picture you've framed...the one where you've captured all of your hopes. That gift...that you never, ever expected. Its in the forgiveness that you so do not deserve. Its in the forgiveness you sometimes struggle to give, but you give it anyway.

Now, some of us behave as hoarders...of our love, emotions, finances, laughter, encouragement, time, energy, smiles, friendship, even of our forgiveness...and it may be because we just don't understand the art of  'give and you shall receive'.

I am reminded of one particular couple in my life who are so gentle. And sweet. And giving. And loving. And kind. And humble. And loyal. And chock full of integrity. Not only of their resources but of their time and their hearts. They are honest and good to the very core of their beings. They are the most amazing examples of selflessness, to their immediate family, friends and to everyone who knows them. They have my heart and my admiration.

I use them often in teaching my kids of these valuable traits. We certainly do strive to embody these characteristics. But it is a challenge. Daily. Especially when faced with an uncomfortable situation. To be extenders of grace and love and kindness and is the goal and it is our desire. We are thankful for the opportunities. We may fail miserably, but we're on a learning curve. We can always do better....yup, we can always do better.

For those that refuse to strive for the optimum good. Well. Okay. For those of us who are on the  receiving end of  the outcome of the other's folly's, hang in there. God is good.

I hope it is your desire too. Life is too short to live any other humble yourselves, be of true character, be loyal and trustworthy, love unconditionally and immensely, be sincere and good. No one is perfect and we all mess up. Thank the good Lord that each and every morning is a new and fresh start in His eyes. We can choose to see our lives in this light too...we can choose to look at our selves and our lives as if they are freshly new, each day.
