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I Sure Do Miss Mayberry

Had a talk at the kitchen table today with a dear old friend....well not old, just, we've been friends for a long time. Since the old days...a long-time friend. We both have a bunch of kids and we're both now raising teens. Well, the topic turned to discipline, purity, respect and responsibility.

We moms, think a whole lot differently than you dads. There is a lot that weighs heavy on our shoulders.  Everything, from what they wear, to how they present themselves, to what they eat and when they eat it, to how much sleep they get, to who they hang out with, to what they listen to. Yes, to even what they think!

Dads, I think are more concerned with letting the kids have their freedom..,letting them be kids. Possibly, letting them be all that they, themselves weren't. Moms, want for them, a life with no regrets. Yet, I may be generalizing. But anyway you look at it, we are cut differently. Fathers, want to provide financially and physically. Mothers... everything in between.
For me, I know that I spend a lot of time using teachable moments to guide my kids lives. I use the Bible a lot and even share with them my past mistakes, all with the hopes of something sinking in. Something, making an impact. Anything, so that they will not find themselves back paddling through life, desperately, trying to make amends. Its inevitable, I know. Mistakes will be made. Hearts will be broken. Relationships will pay the price. But isn't it my right of passage to at least try and sway the outcome? Just a little. After all, I'm Mom. Been there, done that. Trust me, it ain't all its cracked up be kid.
I wish I could shield them from every ugly, this world will bring them face to face with. Unfortunately, they know more than they should. Maybe that means they'll be more prepared than most, for all that is to come. I trust that they are well-rounded enough to make the wise decisions, choose the path with the least resistance; to stand firm in their faith and even take on the task of being rejected for walking the straight and very narrow way. I pray that they will just buckle down and listen to Mom.

I'm really looking forward to the phase in our lives, when they are all grown and on their own. I'm hopeful that we will always rally together as a team, no matter what may come. I pray that we will find our hearts to be forgiving, when necessary and respectful of one another in the truest sense.

Families are in jeopardy. Today more than any other time in history, the American home is falling apart at record speed. The statistics are staggering. Christian homes are not exempt. Morals are out the window. No longer is the union a guarantee. The promise, is shot to hell. What happened? What went wrong?  
I have my own ideas and they may be right on the money. But to include them here, would cause an onslaught of backlash! It would mean, I would have to offend a lot of people. Which in itself is ironic, considering the 'offended' would be the 'main offenders'.

I will say this, though. We have to stop. We have to listen. We have to change. We have to do better. Ain't nothin' new to learn. Its called going back to the basics. Plain and simple. We need to bring honor back into the home. We need to start at the beginning. Dads, you have your roles. Moms, you have yours. Children, you have yours. God needs to be invited back into the home...front and center. No two ways about it. It is never too late to set things straight. Nothing could be more necessary. Nothing could be more important!

Tomorrow cannot wait. It has to start and it has to start now. Our societal norms are heinous and out of control. I'll spare all of you "my issues with whats going on" to avoid sounding judgemental. Just turn on the TV and I trust you will know what I mean. It is flat out scary out there. Not only that...we are allowing this stuff into our homes. Even if we are not 'allowing it perse' it is finding its way in...thru media, cable, Internet, magazines. You name it, our kids are being bombarded. So are the husbands. So are the wives. It all seems normal and acceptable. But when you have families running in twenty different directions and no one ever meeting in the middle, and when you have shoved God in the shoe closet...well, things, they run- a-muck. When it becomes all 'self-focused' and 'me-pleasing', something has to give. Your family pays the ultimate sacrifice. You pay the ransom and get nothing but hell in return. 

Its time to take back our families. Time to huddle together, pray together, eat together, play together. This union is too precious. It must be held sacred. When we take into account, that God designed the family unit and no man should put asunder, I think its pretty self expressive. Put God first, your spouse second, children next, then family, then neighbors, then your job. In that order. Watch and see what happens.
You may be thinking, "How would you know, Val? Seen your family lately?"  My answer to that is... "Well, yes.Yes, I have. I most certainly have.Which, makes me the prefect person to throw this out there."
I know what went wrong. I know what should have been done differently. I didn't have the courage. Nor the strength. That was then. This is now.

Embrace your families. Turn to God. Say you're sorry. Do better. I promise. This, you will never regret. Peace out! Word.

 Hint: Pause Playlist below to enjoy video
