Bianca's Poem ~2012
It's Bianca's birthday and she's turning eleven
No doubt about it, she's a little piece of heaven
Blue eyes and never ending, golden locks
The voice of an angel, that girl, she rocks
From footballs and sparkles, to jewels and more
She lights up my world, she's easy to adore
She's smart and funny and sensitive too
She's a lover of life and all things true
A great friend and confidant, she really does care
Leave it to Bianca to always be fair
She'll travel the world mile after mile
She'll reach for the stars, just to make you smile
No stranger to heartache, she's shed a few tears
She's an old soul, so much wiser than her years
She's quick to give thanks, to the Lord above
She's been blessed with grace and such a sweet love
The world is her oyster and integrity her way
She won't hold back, she'll reach her dreams some day
The time, how its flown, and my how she's grown
Into a lovely young lady, with a mind all her own
She's been a joy to cherish and to truly love
She really did come forth from heaven above
{© Valentina Silver}
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
~ Numbers 6:24 ~
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace
and give you peace
I chose the song below, especially for her. It's our love song to each other. It's sort of our anthem. This child came into my life after losing five pregnancies. She came into my life during a difficult time. During each of my other was content and good. Everything I felt that was lacking in my life at the time I was carrying her in my womb, she has somehow embodied and brought forth, into fruition. All of the goodness and love I yearned for... each desire my heart was seeking, she has fulfilled. Bianca Marie, came into this world full of a love for me, in particular, that is at times overwhelming... She gets my spirit and loves me unconditionally. Imagine. It is amazing to me thinking of that time with her, while she was growing inside of me...into the special little creature she would become. Although, I didn't feel I was receiving the love and commitment I yearned for, while carrying her, I felt such a tremendous love for this child. That she was safe, and healthy and growing. I was overjoyed at the miracle of it all after so many losses. That she would come into this world knowing instinctly my soul. And I hers.
Lord, you continue to amaze me with all of your wondrous ways. Oh, God, that you would know the deepest treasures of my heart and gift to me this little wonder to love. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hint: Pause Playlist below to enjoy video