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At The End Of All Things Reasoned...

At the end of all things reasoned, you will come to a place of sustainable faith. After having exhausted every fiber of your being; not so long after you have suffocated on the smoke and haze left behind by the fiery embers of your stubborn will; you will hopefully collapse into the ever graceful embrace of truth.

At the end of all the possible probabilities, you will come to a place of mercy. After having resisted, kicked and screamed, with every ounce of human strength you could muster; not so long after your lungs have filled up with the mud and muck of the ghastly turmoil you chose to dive into headfirst; you will blessedly set your gaze upon the One who can redeem all things.

At the end of all the excuses, you will come to a place of salvation. After humbling your mortal self and getting truly honest and real with the man in the mirror; not so long after you've found yourself clinging to the cross, you will assuredly sing the praises of your Creator. 
Every good thing, comes from God. Since the fall of the first man and woman, every beautiful thing, first must go through a refining period. And it isn't always pretty. Flowers start as seeds.., buried deep in the earth. Deep in the dirt. Babies start inside the human body..., birthed deep in the womb. Deep in the flesh. Its the end result that is so breath-taking. Such is a newborn Christian...first the ugly has to happen...then the splendor occurs. Radiance, on the inside and out.
You were created with an innate desire; So very often that desire is never fulfilled. It is a longing for something. Something that you cannot even begin to describe. It is literally a hole in your heart, a vacant, gaping hole, that you can spend your entire life trying to fill.
If only I could have that car...then I'll feel complete. When I get that job, all my worries will be over. When I hook up with that one, I will be the happiest person in the world. And so on it goes.
 It is in the stillness, in the silence that echoes from deep within. That if we listen, ever so gently, we can begin to understand. To reach for the one thing that will satisfy. It is the call of the Father. The gentle tug. The sweet whisper. Calling you home. To whence you came from. To the most familiar comfort you have always known. yet you misplaced it. But, now here's the great thing. You will recognize it, once you are in its presence. And the moment you lay claim to it. It cannot be taken from you.

~ Jeremiah 31:3 ~
I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. 

~ 1 John 4:9-10 ~
God showed how much he loved us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that He loved us. 
