I have indeed, fallen in love...with a word.A glorious word. PROVIDENCE .
Yes, I know, I know. The title. Its catchy. Its misleading. You all thought there was going to be some juicy reveal. And there is. Its just a little different that a trashy summer novel, where I fall for the wrong guy and get my heart broken, just to find out that my quiet, shy, neighborhood butcher is the most amazing guy, and to top it all, he's been in love with me the whole time. It would be nice, but there is something much better that I am leading up to.
...I have fallen in love with a word, people! PROVIDENCE. Say it with me. Say it out loud. Providence.
I love how it sounds; Majestic and Regal. Strong and Heroic. Sure and Definite. It embraces me, consoles me, makes me feel loved. I can't help but love it back. To me it sounds like the sweet destination, after a long, long journey.
I haven't heard it in some time. Actually, not until the other day at my Thursday morning Bible study. I decided right then and there, that it is officially my new favorite word. I think I may have to start a list. Kind of fitting that, this word, Providence, would be the first. I think I will make a point of using it. Quite often and for some time to come.
Now, I did not know the exact dictionary definitin of Providence.( I did know that it made me FEEL something.) So, I obviously had to do a wee bit of research (well, I had to look it up. In my five dictionaries. Yes, I have five dictionaries. Those of you who know me, know I am deliriously obsessed with books. And dictionaries fall into the category, so that is why I have so many of them.
After a little bit of looking into, I can let you know that I will be burning two of the five dictionaries. (dramatic? a bit) I will not even consider recycling or donating them. And I will gladly tell you why. Because they offended me. Two of the five, do NOT have the word Providence in them. And since it is my current LOVE and obsession, obviously, I am distraught. Needless to say, I will not be allowing these dictionaries to be in my loving and caring home, where they can ill-advise my children.
Well, I may as well begin with the two delinquents. Scholastic Pocket Dictionary, published by Scholastic, Inc. in the year 2005. The words; provide, province, provincial and provision are in there. Notice that 'providence' should be in the second slot. Notice that it is not. That is not a good thing, friends. Not good at all.
Next we have Webster's New World Children's Dictionary Second Edition, published by Wiley Publications, Inc. in the year 1999. It does contain my precious 'Providence'. But, honestly, check out the definition it boasts. This really had me in a tizzy. Providence-the capital of Rhode Island. Now, please, please do not think me ignorant. I appreciate that Providence is the capital of Rhode Island. I love Providence, Rhode Island. I have family from the area. I even enjoyed the Television series located and named after the beautiful town. ( Please take note that this edition does not even contain the word Provident)
But, why oh why, do they not have THE meaning in this dictionary. I am flabbergasted. Stunned. So utterly disappointed. It actually has me concerned about our country and its founding. Worried about what lay in our truest of hearts. Where is the "old and true" meaning. Why, in this extremely popular NEWER edition, that is appointed to direct our children's knowledge, is there such a simple, singular definition of this word.
Keep reading, you'll get my point in a minute.
Here are the three publications that get it. They are older prints. Which, points to that fact that our new generations are all going to grow up void in the knowledge of the depth of our nation, its literature, history and dreams. Void of her liberties and causes.
To blatantly publish a works that is devoid of a word that has not gone out of style, for Pete's sake, nor is it irrelevant, is....to put it plain and simply, stupid wrong. And it should be disconcerting to all of us.
The reason this disregard is so troublesome...well, simply, because the meaning of a word is everything. It is important. It is necessary. It sustains us, when we are searching. It can validate our hearts and minds. It can bring you to a new and clear understanding.
Behold, the definition of PROVIDENCE.
As mentioned in Webster's New World Dictionary, Fourth Edition, published by Wiley Publishing, Inc in the year 2000. Providence- n. 1. Prudent foresight. 2. Guidance of God or Nature. 3. P- God.
The Oxford Mini Dictionary, published by Oxford University Press in the year 1991. I have actually had this little book since the year it was originally published. Providence- n. being provident; God's or nature's care and protection; Providence- God.
Second College Edition- The American Heritage Dictionary, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston in the year 1982. Providence- n. 1. Care or preparation in advance; foresight. 2. Prudent management; economy. 3. The care; guardianship and control exercised by a deity; divine direction. 4. Providence - God
When, why and who decided that the newer, current editions would be sufficient or even acceptable minus this word?
I feel it is my honor and my privilege. My right and my responsibility. My pleasure and my joy, to defend and uphold this word. Actually, it is so much more than a mere 'word'. It is a truth, an ideal. It is fundamental in our human experience to know and acknowledge the true meaning of this 'word'. How can our children grasp it's meaning, beyond the 'feeling' of it, if it is no longer there to see. There is something to be said about the written form. Setting our eyes on its depths.
You see, I have been lavished in splendor. I have been kissed by grace. I have been protected by mercy. I have been fed and nourished on Manna. I have swum in forgiving waters and I have been bathed in glory. I have seen the Providence of All Mighty God. I rejoice in it. I am grateful for it.
On one Thursday morning, in a cozy house in Central Florida, sharing in a study with some sweet new girlfriends, I was blessed with the gift of seeing this word. Hearing this word. Receiving the promises of this word.
I have fallen in love.
...with a word. PROVIDENCE.