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My Bucket List

The other night I watched  Rob Reiner's Film, The Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Two older, ill, very different from one another,  gentlemen facing the end of their existance, form a friendship and they head off to fulfill some heartfelt adventures.

Of course this got me thinking...We all do it. Dream. I dream with my mom, my girlfriends, my kids. It creates euphoria, which, for me lasts and lasts . My family...we dream on our car rides, at the dinner table, on the sofa. We're always making plans. Sighing deeply , breathing out slowly...ahhh, someday.
So, what are these things that I want, need, dream of accomplishing before my demise?
It is a grim thought, I know and I'm not in a hurry to go, but in a perfect world, if given the opportunity to get it all in before the curtain draws its final wisps.., what does my spirit long to achieve?

Well, certainly the basic good-will deeds apply, like feeding the hungry, cradling the orphans, bringing comfort to those in need and being a Christian, sharing the love of Christ! Of course.

This goes without saying!

I recently watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, the movie based on Truman Capote's novel, starring the beautiful, Audrey Hepburn. At the end of the film, I enjoyed some captioned special  features on Ms. Hepburn's life and missionary work with UNICEF.What an amazingly, loving and compassionate woman. She gave her later years to a valid and noble mission. And, yes...those desires are present in me as well.
But, on a lighter, more whimsical note...My Bucket and the List it holds: 

{now, keep in mind; these may seem small to you, in fact ~ quite silly and  selfish, dramatic and not at all overly exciting...some may even make you blush, but...this is my bucket list...make your will certainly look different, but humor me}

Here goes:

Grow A Fabulous Garden  ~ I would love to be able to grow wild flowers and fruits and vegetables; nurture them, enjoy them, share them.

Visit Ireland ~ Oh Ireland. The people. The rolling hills and lavender fields. The crisp breezes and stone walls. The dirt roads and the pubs. The music ....ahhh
Live In Tuscany ~ In a cottage. On a hill. Oh the wine. The cheese. The bread. The sunsets!
Write A Novel  ~ And not worry that people would associate me with the main character.
Cook One Meal  ~ That all four of my kids will love.

Dance Like The Real Me In Public ~ Like noone is watching...completely uninhibited & blissful
Achieve & Maintain The Perfect Weight ~ Which, I will accomplish in Tuscany. While living on only wine, cheese, bread and sunsets

Be An Accomplished Provider  ~ To be able to bless my kids with a home and security. So, either the garden or the book, one of these may just accomplish this

Fall In Love ~  I mean that deep, romantic , amazing, crazy kind of love.The kind that starts at that pub in Ireland and keeps growing and settles on two rocking chairs on the porch of that cottage in Tuscany

Succeed In Raising Amazing Kids ~ To be an incredible example to them. To never stop growing in the Lord

Right All My Wrongs   ~ That's a check...To everyone whom I have ever wronged...I apologize. Truly, from the depths of my soul...I am sorry. Please forgive me. 

Get On A Pair Of Roller Blades ~ And skate my little heart out
Kiss A Tall Dark Handsome Soldier  ~ And leave him absolutely breathless

Swim In A Clear Turquoise Sea  ~ In Fiji
Swing From A Rope Swing Into An Ice Cold Stream ~ And have the time of my life

Make A Difference In Washington ~ Save the children. Save the children. Save the children!

Live On A Farm With A Red Barn ~ And ride the white horse that lives in that barn and call her Beauty

Own A Bed & Breakfast ~ In Vermont. And run it more like a shelter in times of need

Adopt A Bunch Of Kids ~ And love them like crazy

Possibly A Roller Coaster Ride ~ Truly not a passionate desire...but you only live once

Sky Dive ~ Again...yolo

Karaoke ~ Not only do it, but rock it out!

Travel The World ~ And don't stop 'till I've seen every single stretch of it


Anonymous said…
You have already started to complete some of those things!!!! I think your bcket list is tremendous....keep writing, is sooooo inspirational.

Simply Me said…
Michelle, thanks so much. I really am having such a wonderful time. Truly, it's a huge step for me to be sharing such personal hopes, so publically. I sincerely appreciate the encouragement! I am wondering how many of my friends have thought about their bucket can always dream, can't she?