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How It Looks To Me

...the human race is complex and capable of a vast variety of emotions, expressions and conditions...
Galations 5:17
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.

Arrogance... looks ugly
Bigotry... leaves a sting
Conceit... smells stale
Disgust... tastes bitter
Ego... bites back
Fury... beats down
Grudge... devours a soul
Hate... pushes to the death
Ignorance... blatantly stifles
Judgment... belittles
Karma... is hell-bent
Lust... seeks to destroy
Manipulation... steals like a thief
Negativity... is a life sucker
Oppression... holds you back
Pride... is a whore
Quarrelsome... born of self pitty
Regret... looks tired and worn
Selfishness... feels small and empty
Turbulent... a ground shaker
Unbending... rigid and cold
Violent... blindingly murderous
Wretched... in-stiller of fear
Xenophobia... pathetically small minded
Yeller... unreasonably immature
Zapper... strikes with force

...and we are certainly not perfect, but imagine, if you will, the possibilities, when we seek to be...
Galations 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Accepting... a warm embrace
Beautiful... radiates love
Compassion... is selfless
Decent... of true character
Endearing... brings a smile
Friendly... of generous spirit
Giving... the hands of Jesus
Hospitable... a welcoming cheer
Illuminating... shines like a blessing
Joyful... extending forgiveness
Kindness... the love of a neighbor
Love... the tree He hung on
Matrimonious... the most sacred trust
Nice... simple to be
Omniscient...only ONE is
Pleasant... expressing invitation
Quaint... a desirable soul
Respectful... the warmth of sunshine
Spirit Filled... the blessed in-dwelling
Trust... a keeper of faith
Understanding... an extender of grace
Valiant... handsome, strong warrior
Wise... the one who obeys
X... joined with Y is a beautiful thing
Yielding... a peace seeker
Zealous... of extraordinary spunk


barbie said…
Beautiful just like you: )
Simply Me said…
Thanks Barbie!

I am so grateful that as we live this life, make the choices we make, travel the roads before us, there is always an opportunity to redeem oneself.

We are all capable of thinking ugly thoughts and behaving badly, but it is in the turning away from these things, that true freedom lies.