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Showing posts from August, 2011

My Bucket List

The other night I watched  Rob Reiner's Film, The Bucket List , starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Two older, ill, very different from one another,  gentlemen facing the end of their existance, form a friendship and they head off to fulfill some heartfelt adventures. Of course this got me thinking...We all do it. Dream . I dream with my mom, my girlfriends, my kids. It creates euphoria, which, for me lasts and lasts . My family...we dream on our car rides, at the dinner table, on the sofa. We're always making plans. Sighing deeply , breathing out slowly...ahhh, someday. So, what are these things that I want, need, dream of accomplishing before my demise? It is a grim thought, I know and I'm not in a hurry to go, but in a perfect world, if given the opportunity to get it all in before the curtain draws its final wisps.., what does my spirit long to achieve? Well, certainly the basic good-will deeds apply, like feeding the hungry, cr...

Dear Seventeen Year Old Me

~ Isaiah 43:1~  {NIV}" Fear not," says the Lord..."for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name and you are mine." Perspective. It changes constantly. Remember when you were a teenager? If you were anything like me, you were so sure you knew everything you would ever need to know about yourself, about life, about everything and everyone else. The choices, the regrets. The judgments, the mistakes. The achievements, the failures. They are what shapes us. If given the opportunity, most of us would choose to have done at least some things, a little differently. We've all heard of that really fun idea where we sit and write THE letter to our younger selves. That 'Oh so very important letter'. I have found myself wanting to do that, often. I'm thinking it's that whole 'getting older' thing. And the whole, 'raising teenagers' thing. And the whole, 'man, if I only knew' thing. I find myself contemplati...

Putting A Bandage On Life

I find myself comforting others about my life  a-lot , as of late. In sharing some of the everyday difficulties of single parenthood, I am privy to the anguish and hurt, which these confidants are experiencing on my behalf. Sighs are breathed, fists are pounded, teeth are gritted, in sheer exasperation. It brings me to tears just thinking of it. So much more than an actual remedy, these shared expressions of concern are truly, very the same time I find it incredibly necessary to extend comfort in return. "We'll be fine, everything will be okay, God is good." My repeated mantra goes. And I believe every word. We WILL be fine, everything WILL be okay. GOD IS SO GOOD. This brings me to the place of recognizing that every circumstance does not necessarily require a solution. The human, God given , display of empathy, in itself provides ample sustenance. We all feel and wish that we could fix all of our loved ones angst's and fears. We ...

How It Looks To Me

...the human race is complex and capable of a vast variety of emotions, expressions and conditions... ~ Galations 5:17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.  A rrogance... looks ugly B igotry... leaves a sting C onceit... smells stale D isgust... tastes bitter E go... bites back F ury... beats down G rudge... devours a soul H ate... pushes to the death I gnorance... blatantly stifles J udgment... belittles K arma... is hell-bent L ust... seeks to destroy M anipulation... steals like a thief N egativity... is a life sucker O ppression... holds you back P ride... is a whore Q uarrelsome... born of self pitty R egret... looks tired and worn S elfishness... feels small and empty T urbulent... a ground shaker U nbending... rigid and cold V iolent... blindingly murderous W retched... in-stiller of fear X enophobia... pathetically small minded...