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Social Networking? Never Saw This Coming

Well, here I sit in disbelief, in a little bit of denial and quite shock.

Look at me, expanding my horizons; widening my circle, leaping out of my little fish bowl...gazing way out yonder, exceedingly beyond my little prairie! Putting myself out there; exposing personal hopes and dreams, choices and mishaps, family matters and longings.
If only one year ago, you had asked me...could it even be remotely possible, that shy, quiet, private me...would be Blogging, FaceBooking, Tweeting, Job Hunting...on the Internet?
I would have said...

Never. No way. Whatever for? Not interested. Nope. Not a chance. No. Uh-uh. No-way No-how. No Sirree Bob. NOT ME!

Social Networking is not for me. It doesn't suit me. It won't benefit me. It couldn't help me. It might possibly harm me. Whatever for?

Yet, here I sit. Loving every moment of it! I feel free. I feel exhilarated. What have I got to hide? This is really fun! my word simply not valid anymore? Even to my own self? I made a clear and emphatic statement, in my actions and deeds, critiques and judgments, arrogance and ignorance.
It seems as though for the most part, acceptance is all the rage. People differ in opinions of course. However, it would appear as if the whole world were engaging in this frenzy. Every race, creed, religion, nation and culture is doing it. All seemingly accepting of one another.

You'll find all sorts of varying parenting styles, religious views, political stands and economic experiences on socializing web sites.

There are men, women, children, grandparents, god-parents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, teachers, congressmen, attorneys, doctors and even nannies are logging in time.

Well, you get my point. It encompasses a hodge podge of bodies and minds. It would suggest everyone - Every single human being is networking. It would give the impression that every human being desires to be connected to every other human being.

Some of us are merely curious, others are just nosy. Most of us simply long to be heard. Included. Accounted for. Turned to. Welcomed. Invited. Called, friend.

As it stands, I cannot even begin to imagine what the next decade will bring forth in technology. In communication.

I can only surmise that whatever it is, I will, more than likely, be checking it out. Don't get me wrong...albeit hesitantly, at first. Innocently, of course. Rationally for sure.
