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The Heart Of The Matter

Nitty~Gritty; (n) The specific or practical details; the heart of the matter.
 Such a peculiar choice of words to express such a serious sentiment. The heart of the matter.

Why is it that the details of ones life are so easily filtered and siphoned into the mere celebration of resolving the blunders as quickly as possible? Overlooking details at great lengths, for the sake of moving on.

Whatever happened to getting down to the nitty~gritty, really sinking your teeth into every morsel and coming out the victor, with the end result being clear and audible direction, possibly even wisdom.

To be ever so quick to make the hastiest exit possible,  meandering to and fro, never really seeing the path before you. Bumping into walls, tripping over the boulders, rolling through the mud.

When, if we would just stop, pause even. Roll up our sleeves and get down to the "Nitty~Gritty".  The possibilities could be grandiose.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't judgment time. It's roll-call, and I'm calling myself out.

How many times in my life have I played the avoidance game? Running from this circumstance or hiding from that situation. The champion of quick, hasty exits...I've got the trophies to prove it.

Why is it so undesirable, these specific and practical details? Let us go back to the beginning of it all; All the way back to the time of Creation.  Adam and Eve, themselves, participated in the neglecting of the details, the nit and the grit.  They found themselves in a circumstance that was bigger than themselves and what did they do?

Well, they certainly didn't roll up their leaf sleeves and foliage collars, and get down to serious business. They did not...I repeat, they did not get down to the nitty~gritty. They ran, they hid, they lied, they blamed, they denied.

So, that is the company we keep. This is a 'handed-down' trait.

 It takes perseverance, prayer and a whole lot of seeking truth to come to the heart of things. You've got to be willing to sweat, lose your breath, take the hits, shake off the dust, roll with the punches and shed the tears.

The destination is worth the journey. In fact, it is glorious and it is good.

~ Deuteronomy 5:29 ~
 Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!
