"Why do you judge other religions"? A question posed to me. It seems harsh to non-believers when a Christian takes the stand of dismissing other religions. It's more inclusive and tolerant to simply not be bothered by other's beliefs. 'To each his own'. Yes and no - (more on this later). The truth of it is - if I sit with it. Ponder it. Wrestle with it - I'm left in tears. My heart aches for God. I know He most absolutely does not need my pity nor my empathy - and still, the thought of Him, being rejected shatters me. When you take into account that there are those who don't believe that the Bible is The Word of God - Or even believe that there is a God, the argument simply stalls - comes to a halt - a complete full-stop. Where does a follower of Christ go with that? How do you walk away and not be affected by someone's strong disbelief? It comes at a cost. This unbelief. A deliberate denial that has the gravest of eternal consequenc...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.