It's a new day. A new decade. A new look. A new feel. A new attitude. A new truth. A new gratitude. A new excitement. A new longing. A new road. It is ~ a new lease. Fifty. I'm being truthful when I say that I wasn't all too sure that I'd ever see it. Dramatic, I know. I mistakenly believed for a long time that fifty was the inevitable end. Even unatainable. If I were to be blessed to see it, that too much time would have passed to even consider looking towards the horizon. That it would be the kids turn to live and accomplish and dream. My turn to sit in the shadows. I had my chance. One and done. Today, it feels like there's a whole nother life to live. Like I'm only, actually, half way there. Which in itself is promising. Be it fruitful or dismal - it's mine to determine, explore, relish. Getting to the place where the kids are well on their way and doing great is a mother's ulitmate joy. Few things can put my heart at ease as knowing that ...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.