Can you hear it? Listen. Can you hear it? Maybe you've already heard it? Is the smoke choking you? Blinding you? Are you oblivious to it? Do you choose to ignore it? Is it simply that you hide from it? Cannot fathom or rationalize it? Are you in the thick of it? Have you become a part of it? It is the cry of the nations. The echo of the lands. S.O.S. A lack of benevolence has gripped humanity beseeching a universal reckoning. The cry resounds. A roar. A hysterical calamity. Jaw shattering. Heart thumping. Fist pounding. Gut wrenching. Sorrow. Children killing children. Men raping babies. Girls and boys being stolen, just to be sold. Rampant is the sex slave industry. Society dictating our worth. Governments perverting our ideals. Countries hijacking countries. Ego's blowing up borders. Lies presented as truth. Darkness swallowing light. Death beating out life. And we are all scared to death. Scared into silence. But as a believe...
Welcome to A Heart Inspired. Join me as I share and visit some places in my heart ~ with honesty, fairness and poeticism ~ My family's album, in words. Sometimes sweet ~ sometimes not. But always, always honest.